Friday, September 18, 2009

My communication style

I am a very open communicator to my friends and or family. I will tell my friends anything in my life because I trust that they won’t judge me and I trust that they won’t tell anyone. My parents I restrict from telling certain things that I have done or that my friends have done and don’t want me to tell anybody about. My mom is probably one of the closest person in my life because she has never lied to me and she will just tell me things straight up no lies. My dad is strict so I just tell my friends and mom and brother’s.

I like texting because if someone can’t hangout or are sick I can text and see how they are feeling it’s like I’m in the room with them. Texting is harder to joke around without saying “lol” or “jk”. People don’t know your being sarcastic and that may lead to a fight or argument. The thing I don’t like about texting is if you want to explain something you’re typing a long thing so you don’t have to keep sending over and over and they keep texting you and when you send it you have 6 new messages. Overall it’s a good way to communicate if you want to just talk.

I am not a MySpace freak but I absolutely love Facebook. I am new to it but I have a lot of friends, the thing I like the most is probably when you have friends online there is a list of how many there are. When you click on the friends on now it shows up as their name and if you click on them you can start talking like a text message. I also like when you click on a friend you go straight to their homepage and you can Wright stuff on their wall.

The people I communicate with the most would probably have to be my good friends . Anytime I’m mad or just need to talk to someone I go to them and ask what I should do. I talk about football and if they would like to hangout later after school. Or what band they are into at the time.

It’s easier to talk to my parents about personal stuff or how I’m feeling sometimes because I feel like if I tell my friends they may laugh at me. On the other times I talk to my friends about how mad I am at my parents or sister if I’m in a bad mood I will talk to them and they usually cheer me up. I also talk to my friends about girl issues or who I like at the moment. Sometimes I ask them if they are going to a game or event that I am and ask if they want to meet up.

1 comment:

  1. facebook is stupid some times and does not work
    but i like 2 use facebook
